Other tools

On top of the pipelines described in the major sections of the documentation, the pipeline comes bundled with several other, smaller tools, all accessible via the paleomix command. These tools are (briefly) described in this section.

paleomix coverage

Calculates coverage for a BAM file, either for the entire genome or for specific regions.

paleomix depths

Calculates a depth histogram for a BAM file, either for the entire genome or for specific regions.

paleomix rmdup_collapsed

Filters PCR duplicates for merged/collapsed paired-ended reads, such as those generated by AdapterRemoval with the --collapse option enabled. Unlike SAMtools rmdup or Picard MarkDuplicates, this tool identifies duplicates based on both the 5' and the 3' alignment coordinates of individual reads.

paleomix vcf_filter

Quality filters for VCF records, similar to vcfutils.pl varFilter.

paleomix vcf_to_fasta

The 'paleomix vcf_to_fasta' command is used to generate FASTA sequences from a VCF file, based either on a set of BED coordinates provided by the user, or for the entire genome covered by the VCF file. By default, heterozygous SNPs are represented using IUPAC codes.